This spring the brothers turn 13; Chloe & Annie, 10; Maukie & Flynn, 7 and Willie, 3

Jan 12: A classic January thaw, 58°
March 17
It's been a delayed spring with no less than 3 big snowstorms the end of March. Even now there are little patches of snow where it was piled up.

wood frog eggs
April 13: The first of the wood frog eggs.
The ash splits at the girdling point
tiller 06112018
Getting the tiller and cement off the truck
trailer 06112018
The trailer decking, not yet attached but two coats of paint, both sides
Sliding the cement down the door on a piece of plywood to the waiting handcart
Ramp Kit
6/11: Bought a ramp kit. Have to figure out the length. The boards will be 2x12s
smashed hatchback 061518
6/19: Smashed the back window against the mower handle. $250 deductible.
pump 0619
Moved the utility pump to directly across from the garden. Had to dig out a bit and dam a bit.
power 0619
12 wire coming across a limb from the house side to the pergola and 14 wire coming from the utility pump.
pot plants 0619
6/19: Baby pot plants
pond 06042018 water lily 06192018
First water lily of the summer.
chloe 0619 pergola 06232018
6/23: Clearing out under the pergola in prep for pavers
pergola 06232018
We have had an exemplary June! Can barely remember how horrible May was.
fire 06242018
It had to go--sick of looking at it.
6/29: After two years, I finally get busted for no front plate. $76.
Chloe is ten

July is coming on strong—spent a couple hours sitting in a chair in the brook—worked on the dam
weather 070218

dead chipmunk
Fluff brought this in for me.
He's getting weird in his old age.
The Monarchs arrived today, July 13
Brook 17 July 2018
7/17: Yesterday the brook was the lowest I've seen it in the 20 years I have lived here.
Then came the rain.
Garden Gate 07232018
7/23: Built the garden gate, finally

8/14: With the wire on
garden bench 07302018
July 30: Built a garden workbench
Normans 08/05/2018
8/5: Our tent at Norman's Attic. Brutally hot. Bad picture. I forgot the sun filter.
8/13: A young heron just standing in the middle of my lane. Taken with phone.
Popo in June
amazon 09012018
Now we are even buying the clamshells from Amazon—mixed feelings. Popo and Chloe have taken to waiting for me on the front deck.
popo 09012018
A hematoma has left my baby with a cauliflower ear. He is unfazed.
Bad year for puffballs but I am compensated by a good year for sulphur shelf.
9/13: A photo first—six out of seven
workbench 10192018
9/28: Richard built me a proper work bench, attached to the house.
19 OCTOBER 2018
pegboard 10192018
My spiffy new pegboard in the shed
garden 10192018
The garden cleaned up for winter
pergola 10192018
"Paved" under the middle of pergola with my walkmaker form. The cement mixer is a dream.

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