This spring the brothers turn 16; Chloe & Annie, 13; Flynn, 10 and Willie, 6

Old Maus
28 Feb: Old Maus turns 16 this spring
12 March: Mud season has arrived.
12 March
sweet potato slipd
5 April: Hopefully I will have sweet potato vines in my window box this year.
pine down 04/24/2021
24 April: Lucas Pike cut down my big ugly white pine in three minutes for $50.
play house 04/24/21-2
Lucas moved Rozh's playhouse to my back yard
play house
Lots of work to do on it
pine down
Got the driveway cleared. Weather is not cooperative.
Pine Tree 05/15/2021
15 May: Richard cut up the big trunk today
Buring the Pine Tree 05/29/2021
29 May: Burning some of smaller rounds
Ash Tree on Lines
31 May: The day it finally happened. Heard something at 7am and went out to find the leaning ash fallen on the power lines. I did not even notice the power was out.
power line down
The line had been ripped off the pole and was laying across the lawn and pond. Phone line was OK.
GMP got on the case and was here by 8.
Power was back on at 8:30.
GMP guy
He stepped it down and with each cut
branches broke off and the lines bounced.
frog saved
The frog and paver on which it sat were knocked off the adjacent stump but unharmed.
pond debris
Only one limb landed in the pond but there is a lot of sticks and bark I have to fish out.
I piled up some of the limbs and some smaller stuff went to the fire pit. The hydrangea took a hit.
6 July: I could not imagine anything could have moved that riprap. July 29: the epic flood.
bridge work
15 August: Rob digs
bridge work
The backhoe has limited mobility and he can only dump the material straight back in front of his machine.
bridge work
Almost there—lots of rocks
bridge work
This perspective does not show the drop of over a foot to get to the level of the extensions. I won't be driving my tractor over the bridge any time soon.
bridge work
21 August: Awaiting the excavator which never showed
bridge work
21 August
bridge work
21 August