Jacking up the cabin for a new foundation

12 APRIL: I'm going to have a 4 ft concrete crawl space foundation poured under the house. My first contact was Glenn Sherman. He was recommended by Paul Bucchieri. Glenn is the foundation guy and he lives right in Arlington. His proposal is for $4,050. He contracted Jim Sheldon of Pawlet to do the house jacking, excavation and cement delivery. The Sheldon proposal is for $10,250.
11 April: Removing deck, decorative stone and landscaping from front of cabin
11 April: Removed landscaping stone
I ordered 4 Witten automatic foundation vents for $65.56 from Hardware and Tools online. They offered free shipping. I've also bought from Home Depot ten pt 2x8x8s which will be the sill plates plus seam sealer and a gallon of roofing tar for $102.23. I've moved most of the stuff away from the house. Still have the back deck to move. I raked up half the decorative stone from the front side today.

14 April: Moving the back deck
13 april
13 april
Temporary steps
14 April
Temp cat landing & rope to assist with ladder climbing

Peterbilt Truck
Day 1
first arrival
Day 1
next, and backing up the road
Day 1
ibeams, 2 pallets & small . . .
Day 1
. . . excavator on 40' flatbed
Day 1
forklift unloading . . .
Skid Steer
This thing is called a skid steer
Day 1
pallet 1 on northeast corner
Day 1
pallet 2 on southeast corner
Day 1
off comes baby excavator
Day 1
36 ft beams
Day 1
an extra bucket

Cribbing in place in first hole
1st hole & cribbing. Roger is explaining to me where the jack will sit.

Second hole about to be dug, following a game plan.

My tool shed was in the way and had to be moved to the south side of the house.

JUNE 9 & 10

Second hole and 3 courses of cribbing. Note self leveling rotary laser level at far left.

Boulder #1

First beam in place, second going in.

The big carrying beam moving into position
June 9
Digging the third hole. Boulder #2
June 10: 3rd hole and cribbing started

12 June
40 ft carrying beam moving into position in front of house.
12 June
12 June
The cross beams and carrying beam are bolted together
12 June
This is the hydraulic jacking machine.
12 June
The jack in place.
12 June
12 June
Fully extended at 14 inches
12 June
One foot up
12 June
Three feet up and done for today.

13 June
The full six feet
13 June
13 June
there goes the chimney foundation
14 June
6/14 Excavation begins
13 June
full scoop waiting for truck
13 June

14 June
getting into it
14 June
14 June
way more dirt than can be used.
14 June
this is where I get nervous
14 June
going, going. . .
14 June
almost gone

15 June
getting messy
15 June
starting to fill in with gravel
15 June
big guy dumps, little guy spreads
15 June
big guy knocks the house 16" north
15 June
scoop, dump, scoop, dump
15 June
here comes the tamper
15 June
the gravel bed is 1 foot thick
15 June
done with that
16 June
both ends need reinforcing

16 June
3 huge boulders were excavated
16 June
grading the landfill
16 June

JUNE 17 & 18
17 June
floor drain pipe
18 June
6/18 - footings poured
18 June
forms in place
The forms are delivered in cages on a big truck with a crane that hoists them out and sets them on the ground.
17 June
forms cages on right
18 June
18 June
17 June
18 June
prepping for the pour
18 June
installing 8x16 forms to pocket the Ibeams

19 June
spraying the inside of the forms
with non-toxic oil
19 June
concrete chute in position
19 June
started the pour
19 June
19 June
chute extended
19 June
moving it along
19 June
the stuff sets fast
19 June
these guys are moving really fast
19 June
making it smooth

JUNE 22 & 23
22 June
6/22 - forms back in their cages,
concrete curing
22 June
me putting on the sill seal
23 June
6/23 - picking up the forms

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