JAN 2008: Maus & Fluff aka Fox at 2½ years

Mau Tse Two - 11 Jan 08
11 Jan 2008
Fox - 11 Jan 08
11 Jan 2008
Mau Tse Two - 12 Jan 08
12 Jan 2008

Maus-o-matic Maus Mat
Mau Tse Two
Mr Maus on the move
The cat with too many names
Fox Fluff Poodle Doodle Doodle

2006: Sir Foxalot, Mau Tse Two & Nemo

Of the three cats in my life here in April of 2006, Foxy is by far the most photogenic. He's laid back and will sit motionless long enough to get a good shot. His brother, Mau Tse Two, on the other hand is perpetual motion, twitching even in his sleep. That and his gray coat make him difficult to photograph. Nemo, my tiny princess, is not looking so good these days, having suffered from allergies manifested in an all-over skin rash that has her licking her hair out. She's also traumatized by the new kittens and has lost a lot of weight. She's 12.
Fox March 06 Mau Tse Two Fox at 11 months and Nemo at 12 years March 06
Fox March 06 Fox March 06 Maus - April 06
Fox March 06 Mau Tse Two Fox March 06
The Boys roughin it up Maus - April 06 Fox March 06
The kittens, Mau Tse Two and Fox, adore each other. They are also very tolerant of other cats. That may be because they were two months at the shelter before I adopted them and were surrounded by lots of other cats. They were feral and I didn't see them for a whole week after bringing them home because they were wedged under and behind furniture. Within minutes of my settling down in bed at night they would come out and make merry. By the second week, they were all affection, especially Fox, who is the lover, mincing over to me on tippy toes with his back arched up. He looks like a basketball.
Nemo March 06 Maus and Fox January 06 Mau Tse Two
Fox April 06

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